Angel Student Sponsorship Program

If you’re thinking about sponsoring a child but want to learn more, you’ve found the right place! We’re here to help. For just $1 per day ($30/month or $360/year), the Angel Student Sponsorship Program gives sponsors the opportunity to support a student’s education and develop a friendship with them.

Financial Commitment | How Donations are Used | Student Profiles | Sign-up to Sponsor

- How does the Angel Student Sponsorship Program work?

When you become a sponsor, we will help you connect with a student. You can either select a student from our online profiles or let us pick a student for you. You will then receive a profile card of your student and additional information about the Angel Program.
We encourage sponsors to build a friendship with their student and share their lives with them. Knowing that someone far away cares about them and their future is an encouragement for students. The cards, letters, and prayers they receive from their sponsors are a great source of joy! Communication helps build confidence in your student because they feel valued and important.
Once a student is sponsored, they send an initial letter of introduction to their sponsor. Additionally, sponsors receive written correspondence at least twice a year from their student as well as an annual photo.
If circumstances change and your student is no longer attending our afterschool classes, we’ll notify you and send you a new student who is available for sponsorship.


+ As an Angel sponsor, what is my financial commitment?


+ How are student sponsorship donations used?


+ Are there still students who need sponsors?


Ready to Sponsor a Student?
CLICK HERE to sign up today

Angel Program FAQs


+ Can I sponsor multiple children?


+ How can I contact my student?


+ Can I send pictures?


+ What to write about:

Ready to Sponsor a Student?
CLICK HERE to sign up today